Ripubblico volentieri questo post di Chris Manka
della società di consulenza Export Success
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Choosing The Right Products To Export
It’s important to look at your products as part of your Export planning; the first decision is the number of products to include in your initial export drive.
You need enough to allow a single customer to buy multiple products from you. If you are planning to use an agent or distributor in the local market then they may well not want to deal with you if you only have one or two products in your range. If they are going to visit retailers or customers to promote your products then they get a far higher return on the time they are investing if they are promoting a range of products rather than a single product.
On the other hand you don’t want to include too many products in your initial export range as the time and resources required to prepare for exporting will drastically increase. Let’s take the example of a business that has five ranges, each range has eight products available in small, medium, large and extra-large, then add the option of black, white, red, blue, green, yellow and orange. All of a sudden the company has one thousand one hundred and twenty different stock items or SKU’s.
A distributor probably won’t want to hold stock of over a thousand SKU’s of an unproven (in their market) product range. That’s not to mention the large number of different brochure you will need translating or test certificates to comply with local regulations. If you try and include too many SKU’s then your export initiative will grind to a halt under the weight of all those products.
The simple answer is to identify an ‘Attack Range’ products to launch into new markets that is large enough to attract distributors and agents to work with you but is smaller enough to be manageable. Maybe in our example above you would select one range and only the five products in that range in the most popular three colours. Now you have a manageable sixty SKU’s to market.
When choosing your ‘Attack Range’ you should consider the following:-
Please don’t think that we are suggesting that you can only ever sell your attack range into these markets, we aren't. Once you have established a presence with a limited number of products then we recommend that your local marketing strategy is to expand your range.
If you have any questions then call me on 0161 - 262 - 1750 or send me an e-mail at
Have a fantastic week and until next Monday morning.